Thursday, October 22, 2015

Back to the Future Part II (1989)

I figured it was time to review this movie since yesterday was October 21st, 2015 (Back to the Future Day). The funny thing is, there were so many things that the predicted future got wrong (flying cars and hover boards anyone?) When I think about it, though, I realized that the movie somehow did manage to correctly predict the large amount of 3D sequels that are now released on a yearly basis. The movie does have an interesting-looking future, even if it doesn't look this way in 2015 in real life. Once again, the chemistry between Michael J. Fox as Marty McFly and Christopher Lloyd as Doc Brown is damn flawless. The cliffhanger at the end of the movie actually does work, especially when you watch it as a companion piece with the third movie. There are only a couple real flaws I feel this movie has working against it. The first is how big it feels compared to the other two movies. There is a lit going on in terms of the time-travel. I don't necessarily think the time travel stuff is bad, but it does stray at times. The only other problem I have is the new actor playing Marty's father George McFly. He isn't bad or anything, he just doesn't have the memorability and screen presence that Crispin Glover had in the first film. Those couple little nitpicks aside, I do think Back to the Future Part II is a solid flick, and absolutely worth watching. I do have to admit it is a bit sad realizing that the entire franchise officially takes place in the past now.

8 / 10   

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