Tuesday, October 27, 2015

Top 10 Halloween Guilty Pleasures

I wanted to do this since it's October and Halloween is right around the corner.

Before I really dig into my top 10, here are some honorable mentions. These are a few movies that I guiltily enjoy, but they just didn't quite make the cut.

Idle Hands, Leprechaun 4: In Space, Hansel and Gretel: Witch Hunters, Hocus Pocus, Planet Terror, Doom, the Resident Evil movies, the Final Destination movies, the Goosebumps tv series

#10: Deep Blue Sea: Deep Blue Sea is about a team of scientific researchers (plus a professional shark hunter, a cook, and Samuel L. Jackson) who get stranded in an underwater lab along with some genetically modified man-eating sharks. Is it stupid? Yes. Do I love it? Hells Yes!

#9: The Wicker Man: I've already posted a review on this movie, so I won't go to into detail. However, it should be said, that you are definitely going to have a huge amount of fun with this movie if you watch it on Halloween with some friends because it is unintentionally hilarious.

#8: The Monster Squad: The Monster Squad is, more or less, on this list because it is a total product of its time. The best way I can describe this movie is that it's what would happen if the goonies fought the Universal Movie Monsters. I think it might objectively be the best movie on the list, but still easily deserves a spot on the list.

#7: The Happening: The Happening is very similar to The Wicker Man. It's just a great unintentional comedy to watch and tear apart with some friends during the Halloween season. It kind of helps when you realize that the big baddies are the trees. It's an incredibly stupid movie, but it's so worth the watch.

#6: Buffy the Vampire Slayer: The Buffy movie absolutely pales in comparison to the much better, darker TV series. The movie isn't without its moments, however. Paul Reubens steals the whole thing, but I also did like Kristy Swanson and Luke Perry. It's campy and cheesy, but that is where a lot of the fun lies in the movie.

#5: Sleepy Hollow: Sleepy Hollow is another movie that could be argued as to whether or not it deserves to be on this list. In the end, there is one thing that secures its guilty pleasure status. Christopher Walken. The man is in the movie for a grand total of about five minutes, and is easily the most memorable thing about the movie.

#4: Freddy's Dead: Objectively, Freddy's Dead is possibly the weakest of the Nightmare on Elm Street movies (I personally like the second one the least, though). Freddy does have some pretty strong kills in what is a mostly stupid movie that I feel equally deserves all of the love and hate it gets from fans.

#3: Army of Darkness: By today's standards, Army of Darkness is definitely dated, and honestly holds up the least out of the Evil Dead franchise. But, I'd be lying if I said this movie wasn't an absolute ball. Its effects aren't the best, and the tone can be inconsistent. All of the flaws are eclipsed by the memorable dialogue, and the ever-present charisma of Bruce Campbell.

#2: Bride of Chucky: I completely understand why there are so many people out there who don't like this movie, especially with what comes next. For me, as stupid as this movie is, there is plenty that it does well for me. First, this movie is the reason I heard Rob Zombie's Living Dead Girl (a personal favorite). Second, and most importantly, I was able to tolerate Katherine Heigl, which isn't very easy.

#1: Jason X: What else can I say, but Jason Voorhees IN SPACE!!!!!!!! 

Agree? Disagree? Were there any I missed? Any recommendations? Let me know.


  1. I like Leprechaun 4: In Space way more than Jason X. Jason X wouldn't be on my list, but that's a preference thing. Also i think Hocus Pocus would probably be on my list, because of generational differences - it came out when I was 13/14, so for me it's a nostalgic classic.
    I totally agree with The Monster Squad, of course Christopher Walken is the absolute single best thing about Sleepy Hollow, and I genuinely enjoy Bride of Chucky, because it is so campy and silly, and it's better than Seed of Chucky and let's be honest: Curse of Chucky was just a big 'ole let down. Hmm..there are so many great Halloween/horror movies to consider, but when it boils down to guilty pleasures, that is a special breed. However, I do think you should sometime check out "The Midnight Hour" - which I will email you a link to so you can watch it on youtube. Because while dated and having TONS upon TONS of holes in the plot and being crazy ridiculous, there is just something super fun about that movie and it's another nostalgic classic for my generation. Also: Mr. Boogedy. I will send you a link to that, too. These are important films in your film education. ;)
    Let me know if you have any recommendations for me.
