Tuesday, October 6, 2015

My Bloody Valentine (2009)

My Bloody Valentine is a rare breed of horror film. This one of the rare cases I have seen where the remake is, all in all, a much better movie than its original. The twist at the end of the movie throws you through a loop in a good way. The killer’s brutality streak feels as though it has been upped to a new level. Jensen Ackles stands out in a role that feels very different from his character on Supernatural. The body count is bigger in this movie. Kerr Smith is half-way decent, allowing you to question his motives as the film progresses. Jamie King doesn’t play up to her full talent, and just comes off as though she’s there for a paycheck. The dialogue isn’t especially strong, and some of it just feels corny. The story isn’t half-bad. It’s fun enough to give a decent, fairly memorable slasher flick. As I stated before, My Bloody Valentine 3D does manage to outdo the original 1980s cult classic in almost every way. The movie can’t live up in terms of the gore factor because the CGI blood just looks silly, and feels very out of place. Other than some bad dialogue and the use of CG blood, the movie’s a pretty fun time. 

7 / 10 

1 comment:

  1. I agree, even with the holes in the plotline/continuity/logic, I still enjoy this fun fright fest. It's just delightful.
