Tuesday, December 12, 2017

A Christmas Story

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A Christmas Story is a classic for a couple of reasons. One: it actually feels like a product of the holiday. Two: 24-hour marathons on TBS. Is this movie good? Abslutlely. Most of the humor works really well. I love the leg lamp. I love the little brother getting bundled up to the point he can hardly movie or breathe. The kids feel like genuine kids (not the kids you find on the Disney Channel). They swear (something the main character, Ralphie, feels mortified by). They dare each other to do stupid things. More accurately, one dares another to stick his tongue to a post. The Santa Claus in this movie is a cynical jerk who just wants to get through the day and get paid. Despite this movie's earnest childlike attitude, there is something of a cynical undertone. All Ralphie wants is Red Ryder BB Gun. The answer he always seems to get is: you'll shoot your eye out. You also get that perfect moment where Ralphie has to put on a pink bunny outfit to please an elderly relative. The best thing you can really say about this movie is that it has an essence of Christmas that you can't ignore or deny. This is a shorter review than normal because there really isn't much to say other than that this is a legitimately good movie.

9 / 10  

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