Monday, December 4, 2017

Silent Night, Deadly Night

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Silent Night, Deadly Night deals with a young man named Billy (played by Robert Brian Wilson). When he was a boy, his parents were killed by a man dressed as Santa Claus. Since then, Billy has been raised in a strict Catholic orphanage with the belief that Santa is evil and "punishment is good." I love this movie. It's not good, but it's a dumb slasher film with a killer who dresses up like Santa and kills people he deems "naughty." The acting isn't particularly good, but it feels just stilted enough that some of it is just really enjoyable. I love the sequel bait at the end (I might've loved it even more if the sequel never happened). As is, I still think it's hilarious. Every time he kills somebody, Bill will scream either "naughty" or "punish" and it always puts a smile on my face. There's also some amazing kills in this movie. For example, there's a dude sledding and Billy just kind of sticks his axe out (from pretty much out of nowhere) and decapitates this guy. There's a woman he kills by impaling her on a mounted deer head. There is something of sleazy feel to the movie that's not going to work for everybody. Hell, even I'm not completely sure how I feel about the beginning of the movie. Silent Night, Deadly Night is one of those movies I can't really say is good, but it's one of my all-time guilty pleasures. If you've never seen or heard of this movie, I kind of recommend giving it a watch, especially if you're somebody who has affinity for slasher movies (or bad movies in general).



  1. So, I have no real rating for this movie. I wouldn't know where to begin.

  2. HA HA I love watching this movie with you and I love that you can't even rate it. :D
