Monday, December 25, 2017


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Bright is a Netflix movie directed by David Ayer and starring Will Smith and Joel Edgerton. The movie takes place in an alternate Earth where fantasy creatures and elements exist in everyday life. Will Smith is excellent in this movie. He plays a cop in a situation he doesn’t want to be in, and is just doing the best he can. He’s actually put in tough situations, and actually has to make decisions, even if they aren’t always necessarily the right choices. The makeup on Joel Edgerton to make him look like an orc is actually really damn good. Joel Edgerton and Will Smith’s chemistry is alright. It isn’t bad, but I don’t think it’s phenomenal either. I also really liked Lucy Fry in the movie. Her character was kind of interesting. She plays an elf that Smith and Edgerton find during a night of patrol, and she might be hiding secrets of her own. There are two fed characters who specialize in magic. These two never really serve much of any actual purpose. The action sequences feel pretty hit and miss. Some of them are pretty solid. Others are hard to make out. Noomi Rapace plays the film’s main villain. She plays a dark elf who wants to bring back an ancient evil that is never really expanded upon. In a way, she kind of reminds me of Malekith from Thor: The Dark World. She was a villain with a lot of potential that felt underused. I think this movie did a little bit better at making her menacing. I just don’t feel that she was in the movie enough to make her a total threat. Overall, an awesome lead performance from Will Smith and a cool concept prove just enough to keep Bright afloat.  

6 / 10

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