Wednesday, December 20, 2017

Bad Santa 2

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Willie (played by Billy Bob Thornton) has spent the last thirteen years becoming embittered once again. His girlfriend has left him, and he has been trying to keep Thurman (played by Brett Kelly) at arm's distance. The problem with this is Thurman isn't very bright. Marcus (played by Tony Cox) has gotten out of jail and ropes Willie into a job in Chicago. This brings Willie back into contact with his estranged mother (played by Kathy Bates). The three plan to rob a charity run by Christina Hendricks and Ryan Hansen. There feel like legitimate attempts at heart in this movie, but the ending undercuts a lot of them (except the moments that have to do with Thurman). The twists and turns in this movie can really bog it down at times. These three constantly try to betray and double cross each other. They are very hard people to root for, but that's also kind of the point. Willie is a drunk politically incorrect asshole with no filter. That's the kind of humor this movie involves, and I laughed a lot. How does this compare to the original? I don't really know. I've only seen bits and pieces of the first movie. Having not seen the original, do I expect Bad Santa 2 to be as good? No, I don't. I can point to the likes of Zoolander 2 and Dumber and Dumber To sort of as proof. Now, I liked this movie a lot more than either of the other two I mentioned. I think Kathy Bates might actually be the scene stealer in this movie. She says a lot of awful, crass, disgusting things, and she sells every minute of it. I especially like watching her and Billy Bob Thornton work off each other a lot. Do I see this becoming a Christmas classic by any means? No. It's alright. I laughed a lot, but some of the story elements actually did bog the movie in a few places too many. As I already said, the jokes are very crass. If that's not your thing, then I wouldn't recommend this movie. If it is something that works okay for you, then maybe give it a watch.

6 / 10 

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