Friday, December 4, 2015


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How do I describe my thoughts on the movie Creed? In a word: fantastic. The movie has a lot of emotional weight to it that you can really feel. There’s a lot of different parts to it that come together to make this one of the best movies of the year. First off, the acting in the movie is phenomenal. Michael B. Jordan owns the role of Adonis Creed. Sylvester Stallone is probably the best he’s been in a very long time from a performance standpoint. Jordan and Stallone share a wonderful student-teacher, and further, a surrogate father-son relationship and chemistry together. The two share a lot of parallels to each other in the story, and they are able to form a bond that way. The movie also has two pretty big, solid fights. I loved the both of them. I, echoing the voices of plenty of other critics, personally love the first major fight the best. I love that it’s filmed to look like one shot. Director Ryan Coogler has made what I think has a shot at becoming a classic film in the years to come. Granted, only time will tell. As someone who really hasn’t seen any of the previous Rocky movies in full, I think I can pretty safely say that you don’t necessarily need to be a Rocky fan to enjoy this movie, but it probably doesn’t hurt either. 

10 / 10  

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