Sunday, December 13, 2015


Krampus is exactly my kind of Christmas movie. It's a sort of twisted take on the idea of learning the true meaning of Christmas. It's about a young boy who desperately wants things to be good on his Christmas, and back to the way things were before. He essentially loses the Christmas spirit, and unintentionally brings about Krampus, who is basically the flip side of the St. Nicholas coin. I want to start with the negatives I had with the movie, because they are very few for me. First, the characters. By that, I mean half of them I liked almost right away, and the other half took me awhile to get around to liking them. Now, I want to talk about everything else. The movie is co-written and directed by a man named Michael Dougherty. He's the guy who wrote and directed Trick 'r Treat, one of my all-time favorite movies. The dark, twisted sense of humor from Trick 'r Treat is completely present throughout the entirety of this movie. The effects are pretty solid in my opinion, too. I really dug the look of Krampus, and I liked the designs of all of his toys from hell. The actors are good, too. Adam Scott is really good in the movie as a sort of nice-guy father in contrast to the asshole characters he normally plays. In all, Krampus was a fun Christmas horror-comedy that I had an absolute blast with.

9 / 10   

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