Sunday, December 13, 2015

Top 50 Favorite Movie Villains (20 - 11)

#20: Jafar - Aladdin: Jafar is the obviously trustworthy, totally not evil advisor to the incredibly dim-witted sultan. That's probably why the sultan's the one who is the most dumbfounded when Jafar's true colors are finally revealed to the movie's heroes.

#19: Damien - The Omen: As I've already said, Damien looks sweet and innocent on the outside. However, he is the spawn of the devil who will bring about the end of the world in the future. What's more is that the heroes in this movie actually fail, but this little hell-spawn is able to live another day.

#18: Hans Gruber - Die Hard: Hans Gruber is a gentleman thief masquerading as a terrorist. The man will kill anyone who refuses to cooperate with him in a nonchalant, cold-blooded manor. I also love that this is very much a battle of wits between hero and villain, all so Hans Gruber could fake his death and become a rich man.

#17: Calvin J. Candie - Django Unchained: Calvin Candie is an absolutely loathsome slave owner who takes great pleasure in the psychological and physical scarring of his slaves.

#16: Terrence Fletcher - Whiplash: I'm not really gonna say anything here. I'm just gonna show the scene that really showed me exactly what I was in for when I first watched this movie.

#15: Freddy Krueger - A Nightmare on Elm Street: Freddy feels like the ultimate boogeyman. He attacks you where you are most vulnerable, and where you have no real escape because you're in his world.
#14: John Doe - Seven: John Doe is a serial killer who murders people based on the seven deadly sins. What I personally find most fascinating about John Doe is that he doesn't necessarily seem to understand that what he's doing is actually wrong. But, by the end, he understands that even he isn't free of sin.

#13: Agent Smith - The Matrix: I really don't know what to say about Agent Smith. The character has become a staple of pop culture. Well, I think this is my Hugo Weaving performance. The man just know how to sell playing a cold, emotionless, computer.

#12: Norman Stansfield - The Professional: There's just something I find inherently interesting about a corrupt, drug-addicted, unhinged cop willing to gun down an entire family when he doesn't get his drugs on time. Gary Oldman is so damn good in this movie, that he seems to be the most well-remembered character, despite a very limited screen time.

#11: Scar - The Lion King: Ah, Scar. Disney's version of Hamlet's Claudius. Not only does Scar have my absolute favorite villain song in a Disney movie, but he's also responsible for, perhaps, the most traumatizing moment in most children's movies.


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