Wednesday, December 2, 2015


Sicario is a movie I had been looking forward to for a while. Just from the opening scene of the movie, I knew what I was in for. Director Denis Villeneuve masterfully manages to bring to life a grim, bleak world. However, I would like to compliment the occasional interjections of humor, particularly from Josh Brolin’s Matt Graver. Graver is an undercover CIA agent with a penchant for wearing sandals. As good as I really do think Brolin is, it’s the performances by Emily Blunt and Benicio del Toro that really manage to carry the movie for me. Major props should also go to director of photography Roger Deakins, as the film is incredibly shot and filmed. Everything seemed to be crafted and come together in a way that I found the movie to be very tense. Oftentimes, I didn’t know what direction the movie was going to take, and felt things could start going wrong at any moment. The climax of the film even manages to seamlessly shift from Emily Blunt’s point of view to that of Benicio del Toro. In a lesser movie, this change may have bogged the movie down a little, but it the hands of Mr. Villeneuve, it ends up working in the movie’s favor. Ultimately, I didn’t really have any issues with the movie, and firmly believe it to be one of the year’s absolute best. 

10 / 10    

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