Tuesday, December 15, 2015


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Okay, so the best way I can describe the movie Home is that it’s fine. It’s good, but it’s not great. the character of Tip, the young girl is my favorite character in the movie. Rihanna actually did alright voicing her. The character was well-written. She’s spunky. She gets mad. She feels hurt. She gets sad. She enjoys dancing and listening to music. Basically, she’s a kid. I actually do like the character of Oh voiced by Jim Parsons (Sheldon from The Big Bang Theory). I actually do feel sorry for him. There weren’t many times where I laughed really hard. I was okay with that because I felt like the filmmakers were a little more focused on the story they were trying to tell. The story did keep me invested, even if was a bit familiar and cliched. At points, the added pop music does feel a bit tacked on because I don’t think it always fit the mood. The pacing felt off. I felt like the movie was trying to jumble between a slow pace and break-neck speed because they needed to keep the attention span of the movie’s target audience. The final thing that really bothered me was the way the aliens spoke. What I’m trying to say here is, it wasn’t exactly my dream to see half of the comments section on YouTube made a reality. For example, one of them might say “Today is best day ever” or “Do you want to come to my warming of house party tonight?” Overall, I enjoyed Home as a fun family film, despite its occasional annoyances and dips into cliches. 

7 / 10  

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