Friday, December 25, 2015

Top 50 Favorite Movie Villains (10 - 1)

#10: Voldemort - Harry Potter: I think Voldemort could easily be considered a parallel to Adolph Hitler. Voldemort's hatred towards muggles and his muggle side helps make him a compelling character, in addition to his essentially being the path Harry could've taken, but didn't.

#9: Norman Bates - Psycho: I've said it a million times before. I'll say it again. What makes Norman Bates such a good character (and villain) is that you watch the movie never really knowing where he lies. Is he good, evil, or a little bit of both.

#8: Amy Elliott-Dunne - Gone Girl: Amy is a psychopath. She fakes her kidnapping, and intends to fake her death so her cheating husband can go to prison for her murder. She even kills a man. She is controlling and manipulative. All of this makes for a great villain.

#7: Roger 'Verbal' Kint - The Usual Suspects: Verbal is awesome because he is able to twist things to his advantage. He outsmarts everyone in the end. The cop who interrogates Verbal pieces everything together too late, and Verbal has walked off into the sunset.  

#6: Loki - Marvel Cinematic Universe: I love Loki because of how charming and likable he is in his villainy. His ultimate goal is too rule a world. He actually manages this in Thor: The Dark World, where he is able to rule Asgard. Of course, this could be because his attempt to take over Earth didn't go as well as he would have liked.

#5: Hans Landa - Inglorious Basterds: Hans Landa is a ruthless leader within the Nazi regime. He allows a young woman to survive after he and his men slaughtered her family simply because she was too far away. He strangled a woman to death simply because of where her loyalties lie. He betrays Hitler (which is a good thing) solely because he wanted to save his own ass (which isn't a good reason). All of this he does with absolutely no remorse.

#4: Hannibal Lecter: Hannibal Lecter is a cannibal who knows how get in your head and under skin. He's always calm, cold, and calculated. He once ate a nurse's jaw when she took his muzzle. According to the head of the hospital, his heart-rate never got above 85. Although, to be perfectly honest, I feel like I don't even need to say half of this because it's Hannibal 'The Cannibal' Lecter.  

#3: Michael Myers - Halloween: There's not a whole lot left that I can say about Michael Myers, so I'll leave it to the good Dr. Sam Loomis: "I met him, fifteen years ago; I was told there was nothing left; no reason, no conscience, no understanding; and even the most rudimentary sense of life or death, of good or evil, right or wrong. I met this six-year-old child, with this blank, pale, emotionless face, and the blackest eyes... the devil's eyes. I spent eight years trying to reach him, and then another seven trying to keep him locked up because I realized that what was living behind that boy's eyes was purely and simply... evil."
#2: Darth Vader - Star Wars: Okay, I loved the Darth Vader of the original trilogy. Here was a man who did just about anything to show how powerful he was, and willingly murdered imperial generals who disappointed him, but still had some goodness in him. To be honest, I didn't really start liking Anakin in the prequels until he became Darth Vader, and showed he was willing to murder young children, if it suited his master's needs.
#1: The Joker - The Dark Knight: The Joker is absolutely terrifying and utterly hilarious, both at the same time. You never know his backstory because he constantly changes it. Even though he claims not to have a plan, he almost always seems to be a step ahead.   

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