Sunday, December 20, 2015


As a horror fan, I’ll admit I kind of liked Unfriended. It’s not free of problems, by any means, but it still is an enjoyable enough popcorn horror flick. The movie is played out as a Skype conversation on a teenage girl’s computer. One thing I do like is the attention to the little details. The picture is often grainy and lags quite a bit, just like an actual computer screen. The actors in the movie are pretty good. They’re not godsends or anything, but they do their jobs well enough. On that note, most of the characters are unlikable jackasses. I did like the main girl, which is a good thing. The story was interesting enough, even if the scares didn’t really work in my opinion. There was some disturbing imagery, but that took a backseat to jump scares a little too often. The end result was a somewhat uneven, but mostly good horror flick that’s worth watching at least once. 

7 / 10       

1 comment:

  1. For me, I would've ranked this movie a bit lower, even though I enjoyed watching it. I do think - especially in the case of the hearing or vision impaired, it is best viewed on a computer.
