Friday, April 10, 2015

28 Days Later (2002)

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28 Days Later, I think, is the movie that reinvigorated the zombie movie. Director Danny Boyle was able to make reanimated corpses that wanted nothing more than to eat your brain even scarier than they already were. Zombies no longer walked at you with a steady pace. They ran. A baron, deserted London only added to the movie’s scare factor for me. Actors Cillian Murphy and Christopher Eccelston are fantastic in their performances. The movie’s writing, editing, acting, and directing all make you feel the weight of the characters. The characters are likable enough, for the most part, that you really don’t want to see anything bad happen to them. Danny Boyle is a director who isn’t generally known for horror, but excels at the genre with this movie. The tension is built extraordinarily well, with every scene. The movie doesn’t overly rely on jump scares, which tend to be overused in this day and age to a point that don’t generally seem all that scary anymore. The scenes that involve the soldiers near the film’s climax are some of the movie’s best. This is one horror film I highly recommend to anyone who hasn’t seen it, especially zombie freaks. 

10 / 10 

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