Saturday, April 18, 2015

Top 50 Favorite Movies (40 - 31)

#40: Independence Day: Independence Day is one of those movies I know isn't the greatest ever, but dammit, I just love everything about this movie, especially Will Smith's character. The guy flat out introduces an alien to Earth by punching it. If that's not awesome, I don't know what is.

#39: Jaws: This movie has been talked about by so many people, it's kind of hard what to say about it anymore. I guess I would narrow it down by saying that this movie has what just might be the best opening in a horror movie. EVER!

#38: Django Unchained: I feel like Django is a movie that only Quentin Tarantino could have ever made. It mixes slavery in the south with a blood-spattered revenge western. The climax of the movie contains one of the absolute greatest, and bloodiest, shootouts in a movie I've ever seen. And I can't forget to mention the honest-to-God obvious fun that Leonardo DiCaprio has playing an absolutely despicable villain.

#37: Silence of the Lambs: Much like Jaws, this is one of those movies I find very hard to talk about it, mostly because it's been talked to death at this point. All that aside, I do absolute love this movie. Quid Pro Quo.

#36: The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo: The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo, much like most of David Fincher's movies, succeeds in making you feel dirty and uncomfortable when you watch it. Moments like this and the bitter-sweet ending are why I love the movie and Fincher himself as a director.

#35: Superbad: Superbad is just one of those kind of movies that consistently gets a laugh out of me. All the actors seem to work off each other well, and the mishaps are just about some of the funniest things that you could possibly imagine.

#34: American Pie: American Pie seems to have just the right amount of gross-out gags that it really doesn't take from the coming-of-age story for. Besides, this is the movie that gave us Stifler, and I love this character. No matter, I can always find myself laughing at this movie.

#33: The Matrix: The Matrix is one of the most influential action movies of all time. Some of the ideas that the movie gives up are still relevant today. The action sequences still hold up. There's just so many things in this movie I love.

#32: Gone Girl: David Fincher pops up again. To give an idea of how much I love this movie, anything that can make me honestly wish the movie had more Tyler Perry in it is doing something right. The plot twist in the middle of the movie is, in my opinion, one of the best twists ever.

#31: Shaun of the Dead: Shaun of the Dead may have Simon Pegg a house-hold name. The extreme zombie kills are hilarious when you see them through the eyes of an oblivious loser. Terrifying and hilarious. The movie also puts a much welcome twist on the romantic comedy genre, which isn't one of my favorites.

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