Friday, April 10, 2015

The Birds (1963)

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Perhaps the scariest thing about the movie The Birds is that an explicit reason for why the birds begin to attack is never given. As much as I enjoyed the movie and thought Alfred Hitchcock’s direction was fantastic, I personally don’t think this movie is as good as Psycho. But, that doesn’t mean it’s bad. The playground scene is actually very chilling, when you consider that a playground is where young children play. Tippi Hedren is very good in this movie, especially with the lengths she went to. Rod Taylor is also good in the movie, though not as good as miss Hedren. The special effects were good for the time, even if they are dated now. Personally, I wasn’t as into the actual attacks as I was the aftermaths of the attacks I didn’t see, because I had to imagine more. The tension building in the movie is fantastic, but that is something I would expect from the master of suspense. As stated before, I don’t like this movie as much as I liked Psycho, but it’s still a pretty damn good suspense horror movie that has it’s fair share of strong moments that make it worth a watch.

8 / 10     

1 comment:

  1. This is one of my favorite Hitchcock films. The beginning is a bit slow, but ultimately it is a fantastic and scary classic.
