Thursday, April 9, 2015

Re-Animator (1985)

Re-Animator is one of those movies that went places I didn’t expect, and I won’t say what they were because I don’t want to spoil anything. Jeffrey Combs steals the movie as Herbert West. I admit some of the practical effects in the movie were dated, but I think that only added to the movie’s entertainment value. The over-the-top violence should be commended, as very few horror movies seem to reach (or surpass) this level of violence. The end result is an awesome hybrid of fellow classics The Evil Dead and Frankenstein, and it is as gruesome, violent, funny, and all-around awesome as it sounds. This a very tilted horror-comedy that truly could have only come from a master of horror as this movie is based off of a short story by H.P. Lovecraft. There were some genuinely odd, disturbing, funny moments that would make anybody with a dark, twisted sense of humor laugh their asses off, albeit a touch uncomfortably. After watching this movie for the first time, I must say that I see the cult appeal of the movie, and will most likely add this one to my collection at some point. 

10 / 10   

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