Wednesday, April 8, 2015

The Omen (1976)

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The Omen is an interesting movie. The movie is well-acted. Gregory Peck adds a touch of class to the film that probably would have been absent otherwise. Praise should go to Harvey Stephens, who played the character Damian. The creepiest aspect of the movie for me was the fact that he was so young, adorable, and innocent-looking. You really see the facade he puts on when he smiles at some of the horrible things that happen around him. Every time, Stephens sells it. Actress Billie Whitelaw, who played the villainous nanny Mrs. Baylock is great too. Whitelaw has this piercing stare that seems to see right into your soul. Jerry Goldsmith’s eerie score with the latin chorus that makes the theme that much creepier. also deserves to recounted among the movie’s highlights. The direction should be noted as well, especially in moments where the director clearly understands building tension. In terms of flaws with the movie, I really only have one. The beginning of the movie is really good, but then it slows down for a little while. When it does pick up steam again, I was able to keep myself interested in the rest of the movie.

9 / 10 

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