Wednesday, April 8, 2015

Halloween (1978)

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I would like to start what will most likely be a very controversial review by saying, I do like this movie. That said, it doesn’t rank very highly on my personal meter. Something the sequels (and even the Rob Zombie movies) did better than the original was the fact that they let Michael get a little more creative with his kills. Major props do need to be given to Nick Castle, who does manage a fantastic, menacing performance despite not having one word of dialogue throughout the movie. Some of the little touches he adds to the character do give a touch of creepiness. I notice elements in the movie (like the theme, which I love) that were very creepy, but I don’t feel that it’s strong enough to ascend the film to being something truly terrifying. The acting from Jamie Lee Curtis and Donald Pleasence is pretty strong too. The rest of the cast really seems to suffer, though. It’s not a personal favorite for me, but I do think that it has just enough of a re-watchability factor to it that I would consider putting it on every year around Halloween. There’s just enough I can enjoy. 

7 / 10  

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