Wednesday, April 8, 2015

The Shining (1980)

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The Shining may be the essential Stephen King classic. The film drips with Kubrick’s signature atmosphere. He allows everything to sink in. The scene with little Danny seeing the twin girls in the hallway is creepy, shocking, and effective in the best way possible. Jack Nicholson shines as the father who slowly spirals into insanity, and the twists and turns taken throughout the movie still work on every level to this day. The look of the hotel isn’t just creepy and unsettling, its gorgeous. That may sound odd, but because the interior is as beautiful as it is, that ultimately is what makes this so terrifying. And it’s in the middle of nowhere. When Jack Torrance’s insanity takes full force, you realize the man’s determination to murder his own family is the scariest part of the movie, mostly because it’s a man driven to murder his own family. Kubrick’s long tracking shots gave the creepy look an effectiveness that is rarely matched. The only thing that really lets the movie down ultimately is Shelly Duvall’s performance. Duvall felt fake and hollow. Despite Shelly Duvall’s performance, the film is still worth watching for the perfect Halloween playlist. This definitely comes recommended.

9 / 10 

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