Sunday, April 5, 2015

Top 50 Favorite Movies (50 - 41)

#50. Demolition Man: Demolition Man offers up some pretty cool 90s action, and an insane but charismatic villain in Wesley Snipes's Simon Phoenix. The more and more I see it, the more and more fun it gets. 

#49. Trick 'r Treat: I am a huge fan of horror movies. Trick 'r Treat is a more recent addition to the horror genre that packs a pretty equal amount of scares and dark laughs, as well as Sam, one of my personal favorite horror villains. It's a modern Halloween classic, and for good reason. 

#48. Whiplash: The most recent movie on the list for me, Whiplash was one of those movies I started out liking, but when it got to a certain point, from then on I loved it. I've seen it three times now, and I like more every time I watch it. 

#47. Ghostbusters: Ghostbusters is just one of those movies for me that seems to be endlessly quotable. Billy Murray, Dan Aykroyd, and Harold Ramis are a great comedic trio. It's a movie that always gets me laughing, or saying one of the lines from the movie without thinking about it.

#46. Armageddon: Armageddon came out around a time when Michael Bay really did seem to have a promising future. Yes, the dialogue is cheesy, but Bruce Willis's heroic sacrifice towards the end of the movie always gets to me. but this is still the one Bay movie I can just enjoy no matter what. I really do miss the Michael Bay of the 90s. 

#45. The Hangover: I'm not sure what it is, but there really is something about The Hangover that I just love. The visual gags just work so well for me, whether it's a stolen tiger waking up in the back seat of a car in an attempt to return it, or the three main characters opening the trunk only to have a naked asian man leap out and start attacking them. 

#44. Aliens: It was really a toss-up deciding between the first two movies, but I chose the second one because it did everything a sequel should do. It ups the ante, the amount of the aliens and the body count. Opting for an action movie approach as opposed to a horror element also works in the movie's favor. 

#43. Captain America: The Winter Soldier: Darker, grittier, and more realistic than its predecessor, The Winter Soldier is the movie that seems to have really changed how the Marvel Cinematic Universe is going to look and feel. I love the action sequences in the movie, and the chemistry between Chris Evans and Scarlett Johansson. 

#42. How to Train Your Dragon 2: I love the attention to detail in the movie's animation, as well as the progression of the characters and their internal and external struggles. The movie introduces a bigger cinematic size and scope that I really cannot ignore. 

#41. Commando: If I were told to choose an absolute favorite Arnold Schwarzenegger movie, it would have to be this one. His one-liners are at their best. His on-screen body count is at its highest. The action scenes get so stupid, I just can't help but love them.            

1 comment:

  1. Great list - looking forward to seeing more in the series. :)
