Friday, April 3, 2015

Edge of Tomorrow

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Edge of Tomorrow is a very clever, very engrossing sci-fi action movie. It manages to make something original out of a plot that combines Groundhog Day and Starship Troopers. Tom Cruise shows that despite his age, he still has what it takes to lead an action movie, and do it incredibly well. After Emily Blunt dabbled with the genre in Looper, she owns it here. She is convincing as a bad-ass, tough-as-nails, soldier who anyone would be willing to follow into battle. I will admit the building love story between the male and female leads is overused. Here, however, it is handled in a very believable way. I like the role-swapping too. In any other movie, it would be Tom Cruise training Emily Blunt. Here, it’s the other way around. I have so much respect for Tom Cruise being as willing to do his own stunts as he is. It shows a lot of respect towards the audience and what they want to see. The effects are spectacular, especially considering the fact that it is the story and characters that drive the movie.  

10 / 10 

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