Sunday, April 5, 2015

The Brood (1979)

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The Brood is a movie that did something few horror movies do to me. It left me speechless for several minutes. At first, certain plot elements seemed to be unimportant. Then, the climax put everything into perspective. Director David Croenenberg helms what may just be a masterpiece of horror. The last ten minutes were absolutely terrifying, as were several other points of the film. The film is very well acted. The children in the film are absolutely terrifying nightmare fuel, and the tension building in the movie is incredible. It took a while, but in the end, the ultimate reaction I came to in relation to this movie was that I love it, and see why it is considered a horror classic. The makeup effects are really good, and the titular brood look like evil little beasts that seem to come straight from Hell. Some moments in the movie will absolutely confuse you, and I think that might just be a good thing with a movie like this There are certain moments in the movie that are just disgusting enough that they’ll make you cringe. This is one movie that will definitely make you reconsider the decision to have kids.     

10 / 10 

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