Sunday, April 12, 2015

Carrie (1976)

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Carrie isn’t the scariest horror movie I’ve ever seen, but it definitely has its moments. I read the book first, and it’s not exactly my favorite Stephen King book. The idea of telekinesis may not be the most terrifying idea, but it worked okay for me in this movie because I think the idea of telekinesis in the wrong hands can be scary if it’s done right. I feel that this movie did do it right by having Carrie’s incredibly cruel classmates push her too far. I think Brian de Palma understands how to build tension and did a very good job with directing the movie. My biggest issue is the movie’s characters. Personally, Carrie herself and Sue were the only characters I actually really liked. I understand that a large chunk of them were supposed to be assholes, but I think it could’ve really been handled better. The thing I found truly scary about the movie was Carrie’s mother, though. I think there’s something inherently frightening about a religious zealot mother attempting to kill her own daughter. As I previously stated, I don’t think this is the scariest movie I’ve seen, but it does have moments where it shines.

7 / 10 

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