Wednesday, April 8, 2015

Frankenstein (1931)

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Frankenstein is a classic in gothic horror for very good reason. This is a movie that isn’t particularly scary, but has some frightening elements to it that I like. In terms of adaptations, this movie is one of the worst. However, I loved this movie, and hated the book. I like the way the movie explores how you shouldn’t judge a book by it’s cover, showing that men themselves can be monsters. The creature himself is, more than anything a child. Boris Karloff is fantastic, having created one of the greatest icons in horror cinema, and making him the tragic hero. This does lead to one problem I have with this movie. Boris Karloff is good, that the rest of the cast seems a bit transparent. I remember some of the characters, but not much else save for Victor Frankenstein’s shouting “It’s Alive.” Karloff is so memorable with several of his scenes without ever saying a word though, which for me is so much more powerful. Despite issue with some of the characters, and the fact that it isn’t that scary, I still think this is a great film that has gotten a lot of deserved attention from horror fans. 

9 / 10 

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