Saturday, April 11, 2015

An American Werewolf in London (1981)

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An American Werewolf in London is something of a revolutionary movie in the horror genre. This movie is the reason there is an oscar for makeup because the Academy wanted to recognize it. The makeup effects in the movie are incredible. The main character’s first transformation scene is fantastic to a point you almost feel the pain he feels. A lot of this makes up for the fact that, in my opinion, a lot of the characters themselves aren’t very memorable, and the acting isn’t always the best. I remember a lot of scenes within the movie, and I think John Landis’s direction is pretty good. Some of the scenes in the movie I remember the best were scenes where he had to build tension. I liked the idea of somewhat exploring survivor’s guilt by having the main character be haunted by visions of his dead best friend. The romance, however, I wasn’t as a big a fan of because it’s such a tired subplot. In all, I still really like the movie even though there were some issues I had with it that, thankfully, weren’t enough to really take away from my enjoyment of the movie as a whole.

7 / 10 

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