Friday, April 3, 2015

John Wick

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John Wick is one of the biggest surprises ever. It is one of the last movies you really expect to like, especially when you see the advertisements. The movie does exactly what it needs to do. It shows that Keanu Reeves is as badass as ever. The supporting cast is all incredibly strong. Everyone from John Leguizamo to Willem Dafoe to Ian McShane is on top of their game with this movie. The film boasts what may be the best performance Keanu Reeves has given in years. One thing I will say is this, animal lovers watch at your own risk. The action sequences are fantastic and hold your attention. John Wick offers a fun action movie with a great story that harkens back to action movies of the 80s and 90s. It will most definitely please fans of the action genre, myself included. The film is well-written, making sure you understand the protagonist’s actions, as well as being expertly directed, creating this amazing world with some fresh ideas that no other action movie has given before, namely a hotel for hitmen. If there is anything John Wick proves, it is that we can still have original ideas with a lot of care and creativity put into them, and not have to constantly rely on sequels. Bring on a John Wick 2.    

10 / 10 

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