Saturday, April 11, 2015

Night of the Living Dead (1968)

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It might sound strange when I say this, but I didn’t love this movie. As a zombie fan, I respect the jump start it had on the genre, but I still had some issues with it. The zombies themselves work, and are freaky enough. I like the idea of focusing more on the survivors and what they would do if ever faced with this kind of situation. Some of the quotes are still very memorable, but the pacing was way too slow, and all really remember about the characters are that one of the main characters was named Barbara, and that there was a black guy. I thought the end was fairly chilling, but the pacing was too slow and large parts of the movie meander to me. The acting was clunky at times. In my opinion, George Romero did a good job with direction, but, not as flawlessly as I personally hoped. I wouldn’t necessarily call it a bad movie because I found just enough for me to like it. It just didn’t fully live up to the hype that was built up over the years, and I think that’s what was the most disappointing about it for me.

7 / 10 

1 comment:

  1. LOL You're wrong. Ha ha....First of all, I am loving what you're doing with your labels. Keep in mind when reviewing movies that they are also a product of the times. I am going to email you. But I am really loving these reviews. :)
