Saturday, April 11, 2015

The Exorcist (1973)

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First things first, much like The Blair Witch Project, I don’t think The Exorcist is a scary movie. The difference between the two for me is that The Exorcist had more going on that kept me interested in the movie. The writing was really good, and the movie was very well-acted. Linda Blair’s performance is, in my opinion, especially strong given all that her character does. Some of the images, like the crucifix masturbation scene, were fairly disturbing. For the most part part the slow pace of the movie didn’t bother me. It did get to me at times, but not too much. I understand why it scared so many people at the time it came out. It was something that was still very fresh. The one thing I definitely found a touch creepy was the voice work by Mercedes McCambridge. Her voice has a very chilling, undeterminable sound that adds some good effect. The end could’ve probably been cut down a bit, as I felt that went on bit too long. In the end, despite some very minor flaws, this is a movie that has held up remarkably well and a movie that I would say I recommend. 

9 / 10    

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