Sunday, April 5, 2015

Saw (2004)

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Saw could hardly be called the greatest horror movie ever made. That said, there’s still plenty to like in this movie. I’m just going to look at Saw on it’s own, not base it off what it spawned (torture porn). The first Saw is fun film to watch if you go in blind. This is the movie that birthed the  modern day horror icon that is Jigsaw. It gave us a new director who I think really gets horror. He doesn’t throw out any jump scares. He lets the atmosphere and the mood sink in, something I really have to respect. Unlike the later films, the gore and the traps are simple and take a backseat to the characters. The movie may have it’s share of questionable performances, but I have to give credit to Tobin Bell and Michael Emerson, who really put their all into their characters. The twist ending will leave you with your mouth wide open in disbelief. This is probably the tightest in terms of its story, since as the films continue, the plot holes become more noticeable. It relies on what you don’t see. The movie is a lot of fun, despite some noticeable flaws. 

8 / 10  

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