Friday, April 10, 2015

The Fly (1986)

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David Croenenberg’s The Fly shows how a horror movie remake can be done well. Jeff Godblum’s performance as Seth Brundle / Brundlefly is fantastic. Geena Davis is also really good as Brundle’s girlfriend, and I like the way they look at her reaction to his discovery and his transformation. The practical makeup effects stand out as some of the greatest of all time. The movie is an achievement of body horror that simply cannot be matched. I love the way the movie explores the differences between man and monster, and shows how thin that line often is. I love the idea that a man can become a monster, too. I admit that I’ve never seen the Vincent Price original, but if this movie is considered to be one of the absolute best horror movies (and horror movie remakes) of all time, then I’ll have to compare at some point. I can say with absolute certainty that I do love this movie. I remember that freaky dream sequence with a justly horrified Geena Davis. I don’t really know what else to say, mostly because there’s only so many different ways a person can say just how much they absolutely loved a movie.

10 / 10   

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