Thursday, April 2, 2015

Thor: The Dark World

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In many ways, The Dark World surpasses the first Thor. Yet again, Tom Hiddleston steals the show, despite a more limited screen time in this movie compared to Thor and The Avengers. The chemistry between Chris Hemsworth and Tom Hiddleston is excellent because it grows stronger as the movies go on. The technical aspects of the movie are amazing. The costumes, makeup, and sets are all memorable enough. Idris Elba gets a little more to do, but I do wish he had more screen time. The comic relief worked for me in this movie a lot better than in the first film. Characters feel a lot more fleshed out here. It’s nice to have the chance to explore the realms a lot more here, too. In terms of flaws, one stands out. The main villain in the movie is weak. Seeing Chris Eccelston’s flat, boring performance of an uninteresting villain is especially painful when it is compared to Tom Hiddleston, who is nothing but charm and charisma. All in all Thor 2 is still a really fun time with some fantastic action set pieces, and great chemistry between most of the actors in the movie, making for a good flick. 

9 / 10    

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